TR Go for GOLD
award standards criteria

Established TR Products (Launched since 2021)
Level 1- Sole Country
If you have a successful product within your product portfolio which is only available in TR in one country and was launched after 2023 this is the award category to enter.
To read 'at a glance' the judging criteria, click on the button below.
Established TR Products (Launched since 2021)
Level 2- Regional
If you have a successful product within your product portfolio which is only available in TR in one region and was launched after 2023 this is the award category to enter.
To read 'at a glance' the criteria to 'GO for GOLD' click on the button below.
Established TR Products (Launched since 2021)
Level 3- Global
If you have a successful product within your product portfolio which is only available in TR ion a global basis and was launched after 2023 this is the award category to enter.
To read 'at a glance' the criteria to 'GO for GOLD' click on the button below.
TR Product Launch
Level 1- Sole Country
Does a particular sole country Product Launch stand out in your mind? Would you like to refresh people's memories just about how good it was? Then this is the TR GO for GOLD award to enter. To read 'at a glance' the judging criteria, click on the button below.
Iconic TR Products
(Launched before 2023)
If you that that 'stand out' product within your product portfolio which has stood the test of time (launched before 2013), that has kept its TR industry rankings and is what the travelling consumer expects to see on the shelves at airports, featured in Inflight magazines and or on cruise ships? Then this is the award to enter. To read 'at a glance' the judging criteria, click on the button below.