How to enter:
1. Select the category you want to enter. Please note that there are separate categories for Coloured Cosmetics, Fragrance, Skincare and Suncare. You can also enter more than one category.
2. Pay your registration fee.
3. This will provide you with a link to download the Entry Form and the relevant Guide to Gold.
4. The Entry Form is a ppt and you are allowed to add up to 30 slides. No word count, no links except for section 3 which is all about compliance and sustainability, and you can delete the first and last slide before submitting your entry.
5. The Entry Form is split into 4 sections and it is entirely up to you to choose how many slides you allocate to each section.
6. The Product Entry Form does tell you how much each section is worth so that is a big clue!!!!
7. if you are submitting your entry by email please zip the file as it should not be bigger than 10MB. Otherwise, you can use wetransfer to submit your entry.
8. One sample should be sent to the appropriate Judge whose details are on the last slide of the Entry Form
9. The Guide to Gold is invaluable as this provides you with a guide as to the type of evidence the judges are looking for.
10. Tip of the day - evidence- evidence- evidence
11. Why not enter your team for the TR GO for GOLD people award?
Need help?
Please do not hesitate to email Christine at We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have.