Welcome to the TR GO for GOLD Electronics award category feature
This is the fifth in our series of articles, which features a specific award category. A ‘Guide to Gold’ has been created for each award category to explain what brands/manufacturers would consider when creating a product for sale in TR, maximising sales and working towards it becoming a best-seller, and what a Travel Retail buyer would be looking for when listing a product. These considerations are then reflected in the judging criteria and subsequently the evidence required to achieve a TR GO for GOLD award.
For the first time, instead of entries competing against each other, entrants are striving to achieve one of 3 attainment levels - Bronze, Silver or Gold. To achieve a bronze award, entries will need to score between 50-59%, to achieve silver its 60-69% and for gold its 70% and above. We have followed the grading system of UK universities for under-graduate degrees.
Winning a product category award provides recognition of best practice and excellence across the key disciplines of: product design and development, customer touchpoints and doing the right thing and of course, success.
All About TR Electronics
According to ResearchandMarkets market research company, the global travel retail consumer electronics market is expected to grow at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 8% during the forecast period 2022-2030. So, the future is bright for the Electronic Category.
They also anticipate that the expansion of the airport retailing consumer electronics industry would be driven by rising income levels as well as the growing demand for branding solutions.Thus, making the Electronics Category is an important category for all stake holders i.e., brands, Travel Retailers and the travelling consumer. It is a wide-ranging category, from low price, impulse purchase, self-service novelty items e.g. gifts and gadgets, to high price, latest technology computers.
Fast moving products which appeal to a wide range of customers is something TR buyers will be looking for.
Travel consumers enjoy finding out about new brands and/or products, innovations and technology, as well as purchasing the “must haves” and novelties in the world of gadgets, while travelling locally and globally. Brands with a focus on innovation and a heightened in-store experience (multi-sensory touch, sound, connectivity & testing), are revitalising this category and are offering travelling consumers access to the world’s latest travel related electronics.
Electronics collaborator & judge:
Anna Berezhnaya

Anna´s career in the Travel Retail industry started 2011 with Hanse Distribution; she became the Sales Director in 2014. Next to her responsibilities of covering Sales to well over 100 airlines globally, she worked extensively also with product development and sourcing, including “electronics” among other product categories.
Anna left the industry in the Spring of 2022 and moved to Spain where she now runs a boutique hotel together with her husband.
Her thorough experience within the whole value chain, from producer to retailer, and her high dignity and work ethics, gives her competence and credibility to be an excellent judge for the “TR Go for Gold” awards.